What i Watch
Paul McDermott
Host, Good News Week
Are you watching more news TV now you're hosting a quiz show about current affairs?
I'm mainly reading papers, which I think are more reliable. I've noticed that TV shows have a dangerous way of distorting the truth - for example, recently euthanasia has become "killing" and there's a massive difference between the two.
What are your favourite shows?
I enjoy The X-Files, it reminds me of The Night Stalker back in the 70s. it has the same sense of fun about it. And I find those late-night informercials addictive - who on earth comes up with them? And who on earth wakes up at four in the morning to buy a gym mat?
You're not a big TV watcher?
No, I'm not, really - it flattens the brainwaves and the only other thing that can do that is Alexander Downer.