Welcome to Paul's Articles Page.

This page is a compilation of articles to do with one of the fabulous three, Paul McDermott. To see stuff on the rather tricky Richard Fidler or the extremely rare Tim Ferguson, click on their names.

In case you've stumbled upon this page by accident, Paul, Richard & Tim were part of the comedy trio The Doug Anthony Allstars from 1985 to 1994. Some of their work gets shown on Rupert Murdoch's cable television service - as part of Daas Kapital, The Big Gig , or Vive Caberat.

Sources have been acknowledged wherever possible, but since these orginate from clippings, it's hard to track them down.

If you feel it neccessary to mirror these articles on your own page, or to save them and print them out, please acknowledge the hard work that other people have done in scanning/typing these articles for everyone's benefit.






Stuff written by Paul himself!

Paul has ditched writing his weekly column for Sunday Life in favour of a fortnightly one for murdoch in the form of the Australian magazine, in The Australian Newspaper. Copies will be uploaded soon. I only have a few titles, let alone articles, so if you have any in e-form that you are willing to send me a copy of, I would be very appreciative.

Paul has been writing as a regular Sunday Life! columnist since October 1997. It is a magazine supplement to the Sydney edition of The Sun Herald, published by Fairfax Press. A collection of these articles follow.

If you have some in electronic form which I don't yet have, I would appreciate it if you could contact me.

1997 Articles

1998 Articles

If you know of any other articles that talk to, with, or about Paul, please drop me a line about location &c., so I can track them down.

Maintained by VellaB